
検索結果 11932 件中 6061 - 6080 件目を表示

遺伝子名称 Uniprot Protein name (Recommended name)
tor Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor torso
TOR Tetraspanning orphan receptor
TOR Regulatory-associated protein of mTOR (Raptor) (p150 target of rapamycin
TOR Nuclear receptor ROR-gamma
tor Serine/threonine-protein kinase tor
TOR1A Torsin-1A
Tor1aip1 Torsin-1A-interacting protein 1
TOR1AIP2 Torsin-1A-interacting protein 2, isoform IFRG15
TOR1AIP2 Torsin-1A-interacting protein 2
TOR1B Torsin-1B
TOR2A Torsin-2A
TOR2A Prosalusin
TOR3 DNA topoisomerase 2
Tor3a Torsin-3A
TOR4A Torsin-4A
TORA Torsin-1A
TORC subunit lst8 Target of rapamycin complex subunit lst8
TORC-1 CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1
TORC-2 CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 2
TORC-3 CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 3
検索結果 11932 件中 6061 - 6080 件目を表示