
検索結果 5632 件中 1 - 20 件目を表示
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遺伝子名称 Uniprot Protein name (Recommended name)
E Endolysin
E Replication initiation protein
e Corticotropin-releasing factor-binding protein
E Envelope small membrane protein
E Lysis protein
E Major capsid protein
E protein Outer membrane protease E
E protein Envelope small membrane protein
E protein Lysis protein
E(Dfd) Serine-arginine protein 55
e(r) Enhancer of rudimentary homolog
E(sev)3B Hsp90 co-chaperone Cdc37
E(Sp1) homolog Transducin-like enhancer protein 1
E(spl)m1 Enhancer of split M1 protein
E(spl)m2 Enhancer of split M2 protein
E(spl)m2-BFM Enhancer of split M2 protein
E(spl)m4 Enhancer of split m4 protein
E(spl)m4-BFM Enhancer of split m4 protein
E(spl)m6 Enhancer of split m6 protein
E(spl)m6-BFM Enhancer of split m6 protein
検索結果 5632 件中 1 - 20 件目を表示
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