
検索結果 14591 件中 14161 - 14180 件目を表示

遺伝子名称 Uniprot Protein name (Recommended name)
ATXN1L Ataxin-1-like
atxn2 Ataxin-2 homolog
ATXN2 Ataxin-2
Atxn2l Ataxin-2-like protein
ATXN3 Ataxin-3
ATXN3L Ataxin-3-like protein
Atxn7 Ataxin-7
Atxn7l1 Ataxin-7-like protein 1
ATXN7L2 Ataxin-7-like protein 2
Atxn7l3 Ataxin-7-like protein 3
ATXN7L3B Ataxin-7-like protein 3B
Atxn7l4 Ataxin-7-like protein 1
AtXPB1 General transcription and DNA repair factor IIH helicase subunit XPB1
AtXPD General transcription and DNA repair factor IIH helicase subunit XPD
AtXPG DNA repair protein UVH3
AtXRCC1 DNA-repair protein XRCC1
AtXRCC2 DNA repair protein XRCC2 homolog
AtXRCC3 DNA repair protein XRCC3 homolog
AtXRN2 5'-3' exoribonuclease 2
検索結果 14591 件中 14161 - 14180 件目を表示