
検索結果 14591 件中 13841 - 13860 件目を表示

遺伝子名称 Uniprot Protein name (Recommended name)
atsA Arylsulfatase
AtSABP3 Beta carbonic anhydrase 1, chloroplastic
AtSAC1 Phosphoinositide phosphatase SAC1
AtSAC1a Phosphoinositide phosphatase SAC8
AtSAC2 Phosphoinositide phosphatase SAC2
AtSAC3 Phosphoinositide phosphatase SAC3
AtSAC8 Phosphoinositide phosphatase SAC8
AtSAD1 Sm-like protein LSM5
AtSAP1 Zinc finger A20 and AN1 domain-containing stress-associated protein 1
AtSAP6 Zinc finger A20 and AN1 domain-containing stress-associated protein 6
AtSAP7 Zinc finger A20 and AN1 domain-containing stress-associated protein 7
AtSAT-1 Serine acetyltransferase 1, chloroplastic
AtSAT-2 Serine acetyltransferase 2
AtSAT-3 Serine acetyltransferase 3, mitochondrial
AtSBE II-2 1,4-alpha-glucan-branching enzyme 2-2, chloroplastic/amyloplastic
AtSBE III 1,4-alpha-glucan-branching enzyme 3, chloroplastic/amyloplastic
AtSBT6.1 Subtilisin-like protease SBT6.1
AtSC1 Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 1
AtSC2 Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 2
AtSC3 Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 3
検索結果 14591 件中 13841 - 13860 件目を表示